The treatment

An energetic treatment is a very gentle method, which activates the healing powers of the body. Thereby, it serves the maintenance of health in all levels of the entire organism. The energetic osteopathy isn’t only limited to specific clinical pictures. It can be used for acute or chronical problems, and – most importantly – also preventative. Generally, a horse should be checked at least once a year as a preventative measure.

Often, the cause of the problems is not in the same location, in which pain is felt or where the symptoms occur.

Course of the treatment

The treatment is always adapted to the specific needs of the horse. In general consists every energetic-osteopathic treatment of three steps.

The beginning of every treatment is a detailed anamnesis, in which the owner/rider/trainer of the horse is interviewed thoroughly. With this talk prior to the treatment, I am able to get a good picture of the horse, which is of utmost importance for the holistic approach in energetic osteopathy.

After the anamnesis, I will take a closer look at the horse’s body. Depending on the situation, this physical check-up is done either while the horse is moving and/or when it stands still. In this step, I will also start to palpate the horse to get a first impression of the physical state it is in. After that, I will develop a differentiated diagnosis of the structural and energetic problems.

The third part is the actual treatment. It consists of very gentle manual techniques (classical osteopathy) and different energetic methods. These harmonizing methods are all done very slowly and thoroughly so that I can continuously focus on the response of the physical structures. I will start with the energetic layer. My primary goal is the dissolution of disturbances in the energetic system. After the harmonization of the energy flow, a structured examination of all bodily systems follows. In this way, the most prominent problems will be identified and solved.

After the treatment is completed, I will give you a detailed report about the diagnostic findings. You would like to know more.

Well prepaired

In order to ensure a smooth course of treatment, it would be of advantage, if the horse can be treated in a quiet place that its already used to and feels comfortable in. It would also be good if the horse is dry. Please don’t place your horse underneath a solarium or similar devices shortly before the appointment, as this would disturb my energetic work.

In order to ensure an optimal result of the therapy, I might consult with your vet, alternative animal health practitioner, trainer, blacksmith, etc. If you are still in need of a competent expert for your horse in any area, I can gladly give you some recommendations.

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