International Network of Experts

I am really happy to be already working with a great team of international experts. Here you’ll find my partners. This segment of my website however, is especially written for my colleagues, who also use their knowledge to help horses live a healthy and happy life. It is my goal to start an international network of experts, in which we are can learn from and with each other. We will be able to use our common know-how in order to provide a continuously growing pool of knowledge and expertise for the horses.

I was sitting on a branch of a spruce, close to the trunk, when it started to snow. Many nearly weightless snowflakes were falling from the sky. I was counting snowflakes that landed on my branch and stuck to it. There were exactly 3,741,962 snowflakes. And when snowflake number 3,741,963 fell onto the branch, it broke off. *

Dear colleagues, no matter what branch you come from, as long as you truly care about the well-being of the horse, please feel addressed. So, veterinarians, alternative animal health practitioners, blacksmiths, equine dentists, chiropractors, physiotherapists, osteopaths, feed experts, trainers and instructors are welcome. Likewise, if you work with animal communication, bioresonance, Reiki, systematic animal constellations, and the like please feel free to join as well. Of importance are also those people who work with the riders: osteopaths, physiotherapists, yoga-trainers etc. for humans.

* Rewritten and shortened excerpt from Kurt Kauter’s “Vom Gewicht des Nichts“ (translates to „From the weight of nothingness”) (1973). Children are told stories to fall asleep. Grown-ups are told stories to wake up.

Why work together?

As you all probably already know, the body works as a single unit. In my understanding, the body is a unit that consists of physical, psychological and energetic aspects. In case of a dysfunction in one body part, other parts of the body can be affected highly by it. If you think a bout a ridden horse, one must keep a second body (that of the rider) in mind as well, because the rider’s body also interacts and thus influences the horse’s body. For these reasons, a team consisting of experts from different fields who work together is of utmost importance when it comes to a holistic treatment. Our work is complementary. If we are willing to share our knowledge with others we share the same goal, we can accomplish so much more than we can on our own. Not only our patients will profit from this collaboration, but we will as well. We will be able to continuously educate ourselves due to the continuously growing pool of knowledge and the active interaction between us. The interdisciplinary nature of our collaboration will make this possible to get deep insights and a broad understanding of the correlations between psyche, physis and the energetic state of the horse.

Image we would join our knowledge and work together without prejudices and envy. I am convinced that such a collaboration is possible and offers an enormous advantage for all of us!


My main goal is to create a platform on which various experts from different disciplines can exchange their experiences, share their knowledge and learn from other approaches. This form of learning from and working with each other will only work with an open communication, a healthy curiosity and a certain type of open-mindedness for new things. This way, we are capable of helping an increasing amount of horses with our holistic, substantial and individual treatments – and all of this with a very high level of expertise. Let’s think global in an increasingly connected world and put together our professional expertise into one big pool for the welfare of the horse.

And now?

If you also share my vision, I would first like to ask you to contact me. Please give me your e-mail-address, your phone number and let me know what discipline you work in. As soon as a certain number of people have contacted me, I will see to it that we all get access to an online platform on which we can share our knowledge, openly ask questions and get multifaceted inputs from different fields of expertise. I am very much looking forward to all of you!

What else can I do?

Share, share, share. If you have friends or know someone who should be part of our international network of experts, tell them about it and invite them to join our group! The more people we are, the more knowledge we can accumulate and put to good use.

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